“You may not be responsible for being down, but you are responsible for getting yourself up.” ~ Jesse Jackson
CONSCIOUS WOMEN: If you struggle with feelings of disconnection or a sense of emptiness, and you’d love to end that struggle for good, this is for YOU…
Finally: A system to help you attract authentic and nurturing relationships
in your life!
You CAN have a life where you fully belong and feel loved and supported!
Dear Soul Sister,
Are you experiencing the feelings of friendship, belonging and authentic connection that you so richly deserve, right now? Do you feel that you are being taken care of and lovingly carried in the embrace of your community?
If not, some (or all) of the following may sound familiar:
- You’re sick and tired of doing it all alone all the time. You think if you just ask for help and open yourself to receiving it, everything will turn out the way you hope… but no matter how hard you try, your situation never truly improves.
- You live life wishing that you had a community of people who understand you and who are always there to support you whenever you need.
- It feels like truly authentic relationships have disappeared from this world, and whenever you think you have a real connection with a friend, it turns out to be as superficial and disappointing as you have been experiencing before. And you end up feeling completely misunderstood and not heard.
- You can’t figure out why you can’t make your life feel better and why you can’t seem to attract true friendships – so it turns into feelings of failure, regardless of how successful you might be at work or in your business. Deep down, you feel like maybe there is something wrong with you…
If this sounds like you, my dearest sister, I am SO glad you’re here, because you are DEFINITELY in the right place.
Do not blame yourself or anyone else because you haven’t been able to create the life of authentic and nourishing connections you desire. So many of us (including myself) were taught that life was about focusing on work and generating income to “survive” or “live well”, but we reach a point where we realize that there has to be more to life than that, and we yearn for the experience of authenticity and belonging which ultimately leads us to search for our own tribe, a place where we feel TRULY ALIVE. After doing so much work on ourselves to be more conscious and grow as a human being, and after meeting so many people along the way, it is discouraging that we end up feeling isolated and yes, even miserable.
The truth is, sometimes even the most “aware” women will look outside of themselves to create the connected life they desire.
It sounds silly, isn’t it? After one spiritual teacher after another has told us how everything we want to manifest in the outside world begins within, we are still in the habit of looking outward to create the life of authentic relationships we are yearning for.
The good news is:
You don’t have to feel isolated and lonely anymore! A life of meaningful connections CAN be yours.
There are secrets to attracting authentic and nurturing relationships in your life, and because of their heritage and way of life, African people apply them naturally, without planning it or thinking about it.
I could go on and give you a list of things that African people do in their daily life to maintain high levels of community and connection with each other, however if you live in the Western world chances are you realize that choosing a connected life in a culture that promotes isolation and autonomy as a way of life is challenging. Still, one of these secrets is actually entirely up to you.
What is the Big Secret?
You must first create the experience within.
When you do, you’ll no longer struggle to attract the relationships you want.
As you improve the quality of your own relationship with yourself, the quality of your relationships with people around you will also improve, and you will attract more authentic and nurturing friendships that will mirror what is happening inside.
As you connect more with the love within, you materialize it in your everyday life, effortlessly.
You’ll FINALLY enjoy the life of your dreams – with the connection, love and support you deserve!
And I can guide you through exactly how to create a loving, nurturing and supportive relationship with yourself so all this can be yours.
But first, let me tell you a little more about me, and how I can help.
I wasn’t sure what to expect, only that I wanted to solidify my goals & dreams for 2015.
I learned what it’s like to have a sense of community amongst women and opened my eyes to how important it is to support each other. I also walked away with the confidence to make my place in this physical world, to not be afraid to ask, stomp, dream, live and laugh! Thank you Jacky for this beautiful workshop, I can’t wait for more!
Jeannine Elder, Vancouver BC
I am Jacky Yenga, speaker, author, Village Wisdom Messenger, dancer-singer, and creator of The Spirit of the Village program.
In the last 13 years I have been bringing people together through my events, my African Healing Dance Workshop for Women, my performances and various programs designed to help people connect with themselves and experience the feeling of togetherness and the power of the tribe that is our natural state.
Because of my heritage, I KNOW the experience of togetherness. But I had to reclaim it after I had lost it, once I was sent to live in the West. Today, I may live physically “isolated” meaning that I live on my own, but I NEVER feel lonely.
My story:
I was born in a small village in Cameroon, Central Africa. My foundation for life was rooted in togetherness and I grew up listening to stories that promoted togetherness, solidarity and collaboration, respect for the elders, for nature and the ancestors. As a child, I had a very strong sense of belonging. All the adult women in my community were aunties, the men were my uncles, and the other children were my brothers and sisters. I had no choice but to live a connected life, and that’s all I knew to be true. Until I was sent to live in Paris at age 9. There, everything changed! I left behind a community that was my extended family, only to experience the isolation of life in the Western world in the middle of so much material abundance! But now that I live in Vancouver, Canada I can say that Paris wasn’t so bad, as French people live with higher levels of connection than what I have observed in North America. I thought I had “successfully” adjusted to life in the Western world, but it is in Vancouver BC that once again, and this time as an adult, I experienced the trauma of disconnection. Because of my life in Cameroon and France, I had gotten used to living a life where enough people around me understood that community is our natural state and that true friendship requires a level of commitment and authenticity that most people here do not seem to be used to living by. They understood it because they had been “conditioned” into a more connected lifestyle from a young age, and so they were already in the habit of living a life with stronger connections. I used to take such a lifestyle for granted because I didn’t know that there was any other way to live. When I arrived in Vancouver I assumed that all I had to do was to create opportunities for people to connect with themselves at a deeper level, then connect with each other, and they would embrace a more community-oriented life and we would all live happily ever after in a big celebration of life! Boy was I wrong!
I could not understand why even my “closest” relationships didn’t feel quite right, and why even though I genuinely treated my friends like family, it wasn’t reciprocated with the same level of commitment it seemed. It felt like most of my so-called friendships were more like a transaction where I got constantly short changed. I felt that my friends cared with words but not truly and not deeply, at least not at the level I had experienced friendship before.
So I went through a painful journey where I searched for the answers to “why am I reliving this painful experience of isolation and disconnection again”? I realized 2 things:
- My friends didn’t have the same mindset I grew up with about friendship and community. They could say “I love you” or “I am here for you” without actually meaning it; it was more like a learned formula. Also, it required so much effort to bring people together!
- I had forgotten that I had to focus on my own relationship to myself to attract the quality of the relationships my soul was yearning to return to.
It became clear to me that the way life is organized in the Western world tends to more easily lead to isolation and loneliness (it has become a major social issue for major cities around the world!) and most people are in the habit of living disconnected. Therefore no matter how many opportunities for connection I would create with my events and programs, we would always go back to our habitual state.
I also saw how much emotional stuff I had moved through with my dance practice, and through teaching my African Healing Dance Workshop for Women over the course of 13 years, I realized that at some point I had stopped connecting with my core and with my own tribe within, in order to focus on “fixing” my tribe from the outside so we would meet from the same place of understanding community! Phew!!!
I remembered the wise words of my spiritual teacher, Cheri Huber: “the most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself.”
So I decided that I needed to reconnect with and rebuild my inner tribe, and create within what I wanted to experience in the outer world. I needed to go deep into a journey within myself.
I wanted to feel loved and cared for. I wanted to live life with the self-assurance of someone who knows they have an entire tribe behind to support them whenever they need, and they are safe. But as I looked at my life all I could find was evidence that I wasn’t living such a life, in spite of the many people I knew! And although it seemed completely unrealistic to expect that I could experience here the life of connection I knew existed, I didn’t give up. I was determined to figure out how I could achieve the quality of connection I had experienced when growing up in Cameroon as a child, and that I still experience whenever I visit my country or my friends in France.
I realized that I had created programs where, using African dance and rhythms and guided imagery, I was able to take the participants on a powerful journey where they experienced the power of the tribe and a deeper connection with their source, but I had not taken it myself! I took it for granted that it was already in me… The truth is, I too needed to go deep into a journey within myself and nurture that inner relationship. Also, the amazing results I was getting at my workshops and events were only temporary. I wanted to find a way to make the feelings of belonging and connection more lasting, until it became our natural state once again.
And so Kongossa was created…
That was the beginning of my own journey into shifting from feeling unheard and misunderstood to feeling genuinely cared for and supported. What a difference! And what an amazing journey it is!
I have a few incredible close friends that I feel genuinely connected to, and our friendship is REAL, profound and rich in so many ways.
And I know several other wonderful women who I can call friends and whose company I thoroughly enjoy, and I feel nurtured and satisfied with the genuine quality of our relationships, which I never would have imagined were possible for me to experience here just a few years ago!
And, most importantly, I know that this works for others, too!
Now, my greatest mission is to help YOU break the habit of living disconnected and experience true friendship and a real sense of belonging – the one you were actually born with!
It’s Time to Embrace All the Wonderful Personalities (an entire village of “mini yous”) that Exist within You. It’s Time to Acknowledge and Honor All Aspects of You and Open Your Entire Self to a New Way of Living That is Joyful, Loving, Supportive …
And 100% Fun, in Every Way.
I want this for YOU!
I’m Ready. Give Me Access Now!
Imagine – learning how to reconnect with yourself and create your inner tribe, and attracting the true friendships and support you are yearning for and that YOU so deserve!
When you do, you:
- Feel at peace, as you feel heard and received and you are free to express yourself in any way that truly reflects YOU. (Imagine no longer having to wonder whether others will “get” you!)
- Sit back and watch as great people are attracted to you, instead of you working hard to win them over.
- Allow all the support you need to flow into your life – easily and effortlessly. (Yes! The struggle alone can finally end!)
- Build the life of your dreams – once you have the assurance of someone who knows they belong and who feels supported, you can more confidently go after your real dreams!
- Never have to worry about loneliness again!
Sounds pretty amazing, right?
I promise you, it is! As I said before, I never feel lonely. And that’s because I feel the power of my tribe from within.
Dancing with Jacky is always a joyful experience. Her beauty, kindness, passion and talent radiate, bringing warmth and love to all that experience her work.
The workshop I recently attended was a powerful event. The teachings Jacky shares, facilitate deeply transformative experiences for the soul and help re-establish balance and connection on a global level. This is work I truly resonate with.
Solah Nightstar, Vancouver BC
Empowerment Coach & Manifestation Mentor
I have been inspired by my ancestors to present to you…
You CAN have all the friendships, support, and connection you’ve always wanted, my Dear Sister!
Permanently shifting from loneliness and lack of support to true friendships, connection and support requires you to go inside and nurture a deeper relationship with yourself – and that’s exactly what I facilitate in the 12 video series included in this life-transforming program.
You will let go of the old habit of looking outside of yourself for what you need, then create your ideal relationship within so that you can finally attract exactly the type of relationships you dream of!
With Kongossa, I have applied and personalized both emerging scientific concepts and age-old wisdom to succeed at living a more enriched life!
How does it work and why African dance?
“You change the way you feel, you change your life” – Dr Joe Dispenza (featured in the documentary “What the Bleep do we know?”)
If you want to truly change your life and make your intentions for a new and better life real, you have to find a way to “move beyond your analytical mind so that you can access your subconscious mind. That’s crucial since the subconscious is where all your bad habits and behaviors that you want to change reside.”
The regular practice of Kongossa will help shut down the analytical mind by forcing you into a feeling mode. You are literally going from thinking to feeling. Why is this important? “Feelings are the language of the body, which in turn is the subconscious mind.”
In other words, Kongossa allows you to use the body’s natural language to change the information that has been in your subconscious mind for a long time, out of some unconscious programming.
When you practice Kongossa, you are literally conditioning your body to a New Mind, effortlessly and in a quick and fun way. Basically the dance you execute becomes your meditation, and your body is repeating an empowering mantra that reaches beyond your conscious and into your subconscious mind and re-wires it to a deeper connection with yourself and a new reality of your choice.
African dance is a powerful tool in this process because it will ground you instantaneously and will bring you in the present moment while helping you go deeper within yourself… Traditionally in Africa, the first healers and spiritual leaders were dancers! Dancing was considered to be a Sacred Art. We dance so we can heal ourselves, each other, our community and our world.
These videos are designed to give you a platform where you can develop a greater level of awareness, understanding, acceptance and celebration of Who You Are, so that you experience the absolute best relationship you’ll ever have! The great news is that once you have it, it is yours for life!
The Three stages you will experience:
This will change the way you think, feel and act, and the quality of the relationships that you can attract.
You will feel
You will begin to feel witnessed, deeply heard, increasingly lighter, more fulfilled, more joyful, more supported and more loved.
You will think
You will be able to see the real gift that you are and that you bring to life, how grateful you are to be YOU, how loved and supported you truly are, and you will feel more respected, which will inspire you to be more creative in your life. The more time you will spend with yourself the more you will want to find out more about Who You Are.
You will attract
more authentic people.
You will know and feel that you can be truly authentic with yourself. That you have a real and trusted best friend within, who is always there for you. This feeling will lead you to easily and effortlessly manifest the same experience in the outside world.
Here is the content of this course: (each video is designed with a specific intention and a specific goal)
#1 | Ndjow (Home) Anchor your Self in your Being |
#7 | Afufume (New) Witness who you are becoming |
#2 | Zambe (Creator) The experience of love and connection: You are not alone |
#8 | Fambe (Field) Plant the seeds for a new beginning |
#3 | Mwana (Child) Openess and trust: surrender and give up control |
#9 | Calabash Remember your dreams and lovingly carry your intentions for your Self |
#4 | Warrior Release: let go of destructive energy |
#10 | Fishing Experience success and feel the satisfaction of getting what you want |
#5 | Boong (River) Wash away the past and feel lighter |
#11 | Lam (Heart) Connect with your life purpose |
#6 | Fufu Feel nourished and fulfilled |
#12 | Zan! Feel ecstatic joy and celebrate Who You Are |
I’m Ready. Give Me Access Now!
In short, You begin to shift old patterns of relating to Self, the ones you’ve been practicing out of habit for a long time and that are responsible for keeping you feeling lonely, isolated and unsupported (Even if You Don’t Realize It) –
So You Can FINALLY experience a richer life full of authentic relationships and a true sense of belonging, with confidence!
Right now, you may be thinking, “Jacky, this sounds wonderful! It also sounds like a LOT of stuff to move through! How are we going to cover all this?”
Great question.
First of all, you should know that I want nothing more than to guide you toward the life of real friendships, support, authentic connections and belonging I know you deserve. Consider me your partner on this journey; I’m with you every step of the way!
To that end, here’s how we’re going to cover all this, together.
When you acquire Jacky’s Kongossa – African Physical Mantras, you receive:
1. 12 short videos organized in a precise sequence
These videos feature easy to follow African dance movements that are designed to bring you back into your body, effortlessly.
Each video has a specific purpose and is designed to help you establish a stronger relationship with your many selves within, and reconnect with your dreams for yourself. Plus, I make it really easy for you to stay with the program because each routine can be performed in less than 10 minutes per day! You deserve to spend a little quality time with yourself every day.
Do not let the apparent simplicity of the dance routines and their purposefully short length deceive you… When you practice these dances regularly, you will experience something profound (even after the very first dance).
What can you expect:
You do not shift energy within without experiencing some side effects… As you move your energy, your emotions move around too.
- At times you will experience profound joy and indescribable happiness. It is your soul feeling ecstatic about the deeper connection!
- At times you will experience the deep pain and sadness your soul feels whenever you abandon yourself to focus solely on the outside world.
- Yes, sometimes you will laugh, sometimes you will want to shed tears, but you will always feel a stronger connection with yourself and a sense of deep healing taking place.
- Be ready to experience some resistance! Whenever you go deep within, you disturb your habitual state of being and trigger a reaction to the change (the unconscious desire to maintain the status quo and stay in your comfort zone). This is perfectly natural. Stay with the program.
2. Access to an Exclusive Web Community
You will have access to a members-only Facebook page where you can interact with others who are doing the program at the same time or have done it before you. You will be able to ask questions, receive support, or simply share your experience and be cheered along the way. Anything you need! This online community is a place where you can meet new friends and begin to experience a life filled with more authentic connections.
PLUS, to jumpstart your journey …
You will find a video of Jacky’s Dance of Gratitude, Akiba! at the bottom of this page, as a gift to you.
When can you begin?
As soon as you confirm your purchase, you will receive access to the Kongossa Program so you can start right away.
There is no reason you should delay your New Life any longer!
Jacky is great at teaching us how to connect with our inner self. On the last workshop I attended, several women (including myself) were able to share personal experiences, to travel and heal through a guided musical journey and to be in a safe place. It was an incredible experience that I recommend to everyone! It’ll just take you a couple of minutes to realize that Jacky is an amazing and kind person, and that you can considerably improve your quality of life with something as fun, pure and deep as her workshops and various programs.
Estefania Milla-Moreno, Vancouver BC
By now you may be thinking, “Wahoo Jacky! This is fantastic! This is just what I’ve been searching for and I can’t WAIT to create my dream relationship with myself, and finally be able to attract authentic relationships in my life! So tell me – what’s the investment?”
Let me ask you this:
How much are you hurting RIGHT NOW knowing you’re living with the pain of loneliness and isolation, feeling misunderstood and not heard, when you KNOW that there are secrets out there to living a happy life of connection, belonging and authentic relationships?
Now, imagine how it might feel to FINALLY create – and enjoy! – the life of your dreams, where you feel fully supported, heard and taken care of!
Remember, this IS your birthright: a life of authentic relationships, inner fulfillment and the experience of belonging!
Before I get into numbers, I’d like you to think about the cost of NOT enrolling in the Kongossa program:
- Will stay “stuck,” exactly as you are now, with the same relationship anchors and patterns that have been causing you stress and heartache for years.
- Continue to feel left out and misunderstood.
- Will remain in a place of non-progress – waiting, always wondering if your life will ever shift or change for the better.
- Continue to struggle and miss out on something so transformative, that you can begin to experience right now: a life where you’re supported by a loving tribe, where you know you belong and you can safely manifest your dreams!
Right now, I’m offering the life-transforming course for $199.
That doesn’t seem like much to begin to completely transform your life, does it?
Especially because, for a limited time, I’m also offering a Special promo where you can get the program for only: $99!!!
How much is it worth to you to learn how to create a life with new levels of happiness, joy and connection?
I think it’s priceless.
Plus, you’re protected by my
100% Risk Free!
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Enroll in the course and experience what I have to offer for 30 days. If you don’t feel like you are moving toward transformation, send me a note and I’ll issue you a full refund – no questions asked.
If you’re ready to experience the magic of a life filled with authentic relationships – and the ease of attracting them – THIS IS FOR YOU!
I had an amazing time at your workshop! I felt so nurtured and loved, it was like I had gone back to my childhood: surrounded by nurturance, safety and reminded of my ancestors long past.
I had a wonderful experience and felt my inhibitions break free by the end of the workshop.
I wish I could have danced for another hour or so afterwards to the amazing drumming rhythms.
Naomi, Vancouver BC
Do you have more questions?
What exactly is the content of the program?
The series contains 12 videos. In each video we are spending one on one time together, and I break down each step of each simple routine so you can practice them at your own pace. The point isn’t the perfect execution of each dance movement, or the memorization of an entire routine. The point is for you to focus on the intention of the dance and the feeling that is being triggered, and allow your body to lose itself in the movement.
Does it really take only 10 minutes?
Absolutely. You can make it longer any time you want, for your own enjoyment or to sustain the feeling longer, but you will be able to establish a deeper connection with yourself within less than 10 minutes of executing the routine. You will be amazed by the results!
I have never done African dance before, it feels intimidating
I promise, these movements are extremely simple. We are not training you to become a professional African dancer! You will not only go at your own pace, but you will also execute each move the way it feels right for you. You see, there is no right or wrong, only what feels good in your body!
Here is another very good reason for you to give these African Physical Mantras a try:
Eckhart Tolle said this: “The West is the most mind-dominated of all cultures”
In the west, most people experience a lack of grounding because we deny the body too much and only recognize the mind. Yet everything starts with the body! You need to start incorporating more movements in your life in order to feel more grounded and more present, so you can fully participate in your own life. African dance is a grounding dance style in its essence. You cannot address all your life problems by simply thinking about them with your brains! You need to engage the wisdom of your body more often.
So NOW are you ready?
Ready to live your most magical, magnificent, connection-filled, happy life?
It’s waiting for you, you know… a life where you feel supported, you belong, and where you no longer struggle to make good friends who understand you… all you have to do is claim it!
I’m Ready. Give Me Access Now!
Yes, Jacky! I’m ready to love my life and live a life of infinite joy – and finally feel heard, understood and supported!
Give me access to your Kongossa Program.
I understand that for my investment of $199 $99, I receive:
- 12 life-changing short videos!
- Access to an exclusive web community of friends
100% No Risk Money Back Guarantee
I also understand I’m completely covered by your unconditional guarantee! That is, if I am not completely satisfied with the training, I can request a refund within 30 days and you’ll issue it to me.
Order Today Risk Free!
For the incredibly low investment of just $99
12-video series | 12 week program
Value $199
Special Promo: $99
You ARE destined for a beautiful life of support, connection and belonging, my dear sister! And you don’t have to struggle alone any longer.
You absolutely CAN experience a life of authentic friendships, togetherness and belonging!
It’s time! Let’s get started.
Enroll in Jacky’s Kongossa Program today.
P.S. I am completely committed to YOU: to guiding you toward the life of real friendships, support, authentic connections and belonging I know you deserve, and we are doing this together! Think of how many people you can bless with your gifts and how much change you can create on the planet when you know that you are received and you feel safe to contribute, and you finally begin to move through life with more confidence because you feel the love and support of your tribe!
Give Me Access!
P.P.S. Since I moved to Paris as a little girl, my dream was to re-create the experience of community and belonging I had known my entire childhood in Cameroon. I wanted to find a tribe of souls like you to grow and experience life together, in joyful celebration and gratitude. Because I’ve taken these steps toward creating my ideal relationship within, I have been able to attract great people in my life and experience my village away from home, with a community of people who truly appreciate the gift that a life lived in connection is, as opposed to isolation and loneliness. My heart is jumping with love and gratitude for the inner connection, and I want you to have this too! What is your dream for yourself? Will you let me help you create a life that you can fall in love with?
BONUS DANCE – Akiba! The Dance of Gratitude
Practicing gratitude allows you to quickly shift your perspective and improve your mood, regardless of how you feel! This dance is offered in the hope that it may help you focus more on appreciation, so that you can attract and experience more of that feeling in your own life on a regular basis. AKIBA is our word for “thank you” in Cameroon, my country of origin. I hope that you FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR OWN LIFE.
Imagine starting your day, every day, FEELING GRATEFUL. Feeling grateful for who you are, where you are and what you have, regardless of your current circumstances. Imagine doing this for an entire week, or better an entire month. How would your life feel? Shall we find out? DARE TO TRY RIGHT NOW!!!
It is my honor, a blessing and a privilege to get to serve you at this time.
With love and gratitude,
12-video series | 12 week program
Value $199
Special Promo: $99