What Quality of Life do YOU Want?
The world today is facing a real challenge that cannot be resolved with quick fixes or small adjustments. We are feeling pain but we don’t really know what’s causing it, and we feel more and more isolated from one another. Many years ago the World Health Organization predicted that depression was set to be the second most disabling condition in the world by 2020, after heart disease. This is a serious issue, with non-satisfactory solutions so far…
Also, in spite of greater income, the happiness level of people in North America has not changed. A study shows that the average income has tripled between 1955 and 2005 but it hasn’t affected how happy people are. This shows us that once our basic needs are met buying more stuff isn’t the way to happiness. We can know that from statistics and studies, or we can know that from real, direct experience of living a life with lesser material wealth but greater levels of happiness, which tends to give us the appropriate expertise needed to design effective solutions that actually work to increase happiness. I come from such background.
There is a way to pleasantly and authentically develop the inner muscles that lead to more presence, success and well-being, greater appreciation of life, more connection to self and others and true happiness. It’s an experience that is freely accessible to all, and that when activated, also provides healing. I know this from experience. The way is to tap into the healing power of JOY.
I help people access Joy
I created The Spirit of the village to help heal and comfort the soul of the people in my community, because taking care of the soul is like taking care of the roots of a tree: it’s the only way to harvest the best and healthiest fruits.
The Spirit of the Village is a state of being and a way of life. It’s a healing journey of joy, rhythm, connection, personal growth and self-exploration.
I provide an environment where we activate and practice the experience of joy, for healing, happiness and optimal well-being.
What if you could have it all? Just imagine…
When people feel that they belong and that someone always has their back no matter what, they are more willing to participate, contribute and bring out the best of themselves to improve their own life and provide benefit to the collective.
My vision is a world where we treat each other like family, and we genuinely care for and support everybody’s well-being so that no one is left out.
I believe that everyone deserves to feel genuinely supported, acknowledged, valued and appreciated.
Only when we have a society where value is placed primarily on the well-being of the people and they are not just seen as consumers or taxpayers, can we have a world where its individuals feel a true sense of belonging that would inspire them to become the best version of themselves they can be. And from this place we can create a real global village.
Join the Spirit of the Village Journey here.
Jacky Arrah Yenga
The Village Wisdom Messenger
Author of the upcoming book: The Spirit of the Village: How to break the habit of living disconnected and access joy
Originally from Cameroon, Central Africa, Jacky Yenga grew up in Paris and now lives in Vancouver, BC. Her foundation for life was rooted in togetherness and collaboration, respect for the elders, for nature and the ancestors. Living a connected life and expressing joy through dancing and singing as a way of life was her daily reality, until the age of 9. She experienced the trauma of disconnection when she was sent to the West to “live a better life”. Now she is a Best Selling Author, an inspiring Speaker and an enthusiastic Ambassador for the Wisdom of Africa and their message of Togetherness, which she shares around the world in various forms, including as a singer, music and dance performer.
“I have the vision of a world where we treat each other like family, and I believe in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity.”
My core values are:
The best way I can explain what I mean by that is to use the word Ubuntu. Anyone who is from Africa likely has a similar word in their own tribal language. What is Ubuntu? Here is a definition from Wikepedia: Ubuntu (oo-BUUN-too) is a Nguini Bantu term roughly translating to “human kindness.” It is an idea from the Southern African region which means literally “human-ness,” and is often translated as “humanity towards others,” but is often used in a more philosophical sense to mean “the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity“.
“Africans have a thing called Ubuntu. It is about the essence of being human, it is part of the gift that Africa will give the world. It embraces hospitality, caring about others, being willing to go the extra mile for the sake of another. We believe that a person is a person through other persons, that my humanity is caught up, bound up, inextricably, with yours. When I dehumanize you, I inexorably dehumanize myself. The solitary human being is a contradiction in terms. Therefore you seek to work for the common good because your humanity comes into its own in community, in belonging.” — Archbishop Desmond Tutu
In short, what is Ubuntu? It is a way of life…
This is the belief that I feel and do better with others rather than alone, and I know that I need others to fully experience myself. I do not deny my individuality, but I can see that life is so much more enjoyable and exciting when I can share it with others in a healthy and harmonious manner, not just a “significant other” but an entire tribe. Therefore I do my best to live in less isolation so I can experience life to its fullest. I also do my best to contribute positively to the evolution of life.
Author John Keho said: “We make each other better and stronger by offering our friendship and love to one another. We must never forget this simple truth that it is our friendships that count the most. It is the personal encounters that bring joy and happiness into our lives.”
It is our responsibility to choose to be a better person on earth.
I am responsible for the way I feel, and the way I respond to life. If I am simply a victim or a pawn in a game of chess, I am and we are all screwed… Because I will always depend on others and on life circumstances for my happiness. But if I can choose how I want my life to be and live it from that place, I and we all have a shot at real happiness. I choose to design my own template for my own life.
It’s about DIGNITY.
It is my responsibility to follow the truth, and I always know what feels right and what doesn’t, whenever I have the courage to look inside. So I have to listen to what feels like the truth for me, always. I have to constantly follow what will make me proudly stand up straight and look at myself in the mirror knowing that I did what I had to do, I am at peace with my own choices and actions, and I accept the consequences of my choices.
Being REAL is the source of your authentic power and true sense of self. Being REAL helps you attract incredible friendships and opportunities and will inspire the “right mindset” to set in you. Being REAL will make your life feel spicier, more authentic and grounded. Only when you are being REAL can you truly have deep and incredibly meaningful connections with yourself, your spiritual source and the people around you.
Sometimes you have to BE REAL with people, and being polite does not quite cut it. Saving someone’s feeling is not always helpful, because how would someone know where you truly stand unless you are being REAL? It is a lot more respectful to BE REAL with someone you interact with than to be unauthentic because you are trying to be “polite”.
I accept that sometimes when I am being REAL, I am going to make people uncomfortable because almost everybody is accustomed to being unauthentic. So being REAL implies that I am crystal clear and I make up my mind about what I am willing to honor: either the truth or winning a popularity contest.
When you are being REAL, in the end, we all benefit.
Life is a celebration. Doing deep and meaningful work does not have to be rigid, austere and boring. It is important to remember that living your life does not have to be a serious endeavour all the time. It can also be a FUN process. African people are typically extremely PLAYFUL, regardless of their life circumstances. They understand the importance of this concept. You CAN smile and celebrate your life in the middle of extreme challenges. Keeping things light can actually save your life…